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16: Interesting facts from the world of organic chemistry – Derivatives – Heterocyclic compounds: Oxytocin
16: Interesting facts from the world of organic chemistry – Derivatives – Heterocyclic compounds: Oxytocin

16: Interesting facts from the world of organic chemistry – Derivatives – Heterocyclic compounds: Oxytocin

Interesting facts from the world of organic chemistry

Derivatives - heterocyclic compounds:

Oxytocin is a mammalian neurohypophyseal hormone of peptide nature. It contains nine amino acid residues in its structure: cysteine, tyrosine, isoleucine, glutamine, asparagine, cysteine, proline, leucine and glycine. Oxytocin was included in heterocyclic compounds because the amino acid proline contains pyrrolidine. Pyrrolidine is a five-membered heterocyclic ring with nitrogen containing no double bond. Oxytocin is increasingly referred to as the love hormone or the trust hormone.

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Zobrazení struktury oxytocinu. Barevně jsou vyznačeny jednotlivé aminokyseliny.

Picture above: Chemical structural of oxytocin. In color are marked invidual amino acids.

Oxytocin primarily acts as a neuromodulator in the brain. It is synthesized directly in the brain in the hypothalamic nucleus. Oxytocin has an effect on childbirth and breastfeeding. It is subsequently released into the bloodstream from the neurohypophysis. Using scientific methods, it was found that its effect is higher in the majority of women. The release of oxytocin in women is associated with stimulation of the breast, uterus and vagina. To a lesser extent, it is released into the bloodstream even when touched.

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Schematické znázornění uvolňování oxytocinu do krve

Picture above: Schematic representation of the release of oxytocin into the blood.

Oxytocin may accelerate puberty in girls. Unfortunately, that is why it was and probably still is abused, especially in India. Pre-adolescent girls are given an uncontrolled dose of oxytocin. This artificially accelerates their sexual maturation. Girls ranging in age from just 6 months to 10 years are kidnapped, drugged with veterinary oxytocin so that they can be forced into prostitution in Mumbai as soon as possible or sent to the Gulf. Unlike human oxytocin, the use of veterinary oxytocin is not monitored as much and, moreover, its effects are higher.

As already mentioned, in the body, oxytocin is synthesized directly in the brain. But what about its preparation in the laboratory? Oxytocin can be prepared in the laboratory. One of the possibilities is to proceed according to the following scheme.

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Schéma laboratorní syntézy oxytocinu

Picture above: Scheme of laboratory synthesis of Oxytocin.

Functions of oxytocin

Oxytocin has a wide range of functions in the body, including:

  • Social bonding: Oxytocin is involved in social bonding, including trust, empathy, and cooperation.
  • Reproduction: Oxytocin is essential for childbirth and lactation.
  • Stress reduction: Oxytocin has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety.
  • Pain relief: Oxytocin can help to reduce pain.
  • Learning and memory: Oxytocin plays a role in learning and memory.


Benefits of oxytocin

There are many benefits to having high levels of oxytocin, including:

  • Improved relationships: Oxytocin can help to improve relationships by increasing trust, empathy, and cooperation.
  • Reduced stress: Oxytocin can help to reduce stress and anxiety.
  • Improved mood: Oxytocin can help to improve mood and reduce depression.
  • Better pain management: Oxytocin can help to reduce pain and improve pain management.
  • Enhanced learning and memory: Oxytocin can help to improve learning and memory.


How to increase oxytocin levels

There are a number of things you can do to increase your oxytocin levels, including:

  • Physical touch: Hugging, kissing, and sexual intercourse all increase oxytocin levels.
  • Spending time with loved ones: Spending time with loved ones and building strong social connections can also increase oxytocin levels.
  • Meditation: Meditation has been shown to increase oxytocin levels.
  • Exercise: Exercise has also been shown to increase oxytocin levels.



Oxytocin is an important hormone and neurotransmitter that has a wide range of functions in the body. It is involved in social bonding, reproduction, stress reduction, pain relief, and learning and memory. There are a number of things you can do to increase your oxytocin levels, such as physical touch, spending time with loved ones, meditation, and exercise.


[1] R. Tharu, „MD India; Oxytocin: Outstanding Hormone, Outstanding Uses,“ 29 5 2010. [Online]. Available: http://www.medindia.net/news/healthwatch/Oxytocin-Outstanding-Hormone-Outlandish-Uses-69464-1.htm. [Přístup získán 8 6 2013].

[2] E. N. Marieb a K. Hoehn, „Human Anatomy & Physiology, Books a la Carte Edition (9th Edition),“ 2012, p. 599.
University home, „RJC Group Bristol,“ [Online]. Available: http://www.tlchm.bris.ac.uk/org/RJCox/GIFS/image35.gif. [Přístup získán 8 6 2013].