This calculator was designed to calculate the equilibrium concentration of hydrogen peroxide gas over the solution. Enter the temperature, atmospheric pressure of the liquid and, if appropriate, the specific concentration of hydrogen peroxide in the liquid by weight. The result is an equilibrium concentration of hydrogen peroxide gas in ppmV.

The calculation is quite sophisticated by taking into account the real behavior of the solution and gas. These factors include:
- the effect of temperature on the real density of the solution,
- influence of temperature on gas phase composition above liquid,
- influence of pressure on gas phase composition above liquid.
These influences are quite often simplified by the ideal behavior, but they influence the result in a significant way. The real behavior of the solutions implemented in this calculator is based on scientific publications dealing with hydrogen peroxide solutions and provides a more realistic view of the equilibrium concentrations.
- temperature: (0-50) ° C,
- Peroxide solution concentration: (0-100) % wt.,
- pressure: normal atmospheric, approximately 900-1100 hPa.
The ambient air pressure can be entered either directly by the user, or the value given in the weather forecast can be substituted. This is particularly useful when pressure measurement is not possible. In this case, it is enough to know the altitude of the location where the measurement takes place and the meteorological pressure (this is referred to as the pressure above sea level) and the program recalculates it to a given altitude.
If you are interested in this calculator, please contact me for your own project and we will come up with something. I will happy to answer.
Health Lukáš Kolík, author
Note: This article was transleted artifically and has not been corrected yet.