This calculator is probably one of the first ever I ever made. At the same time, it is one of the first to have enough value to give it here. It comes sometime from 2007-2008 and its goal was to compare the effect of air resistance on the flight path and the range of a projectile fired or thrown at an angle to the ground.

The following parameters are entered into the program:
- initial projectile velocity in m / s,
- litter start angle, coefficient of resistance C,
- air density,
- radius of the perpendicular surface to the direction of flight (size of “visible” surface),
- projectile weight, optional the initial height from which the litter was made.
Resistance force is given by the following Newton formula:


An example of a graph that occurs when a litter is specified by the following values of constants and variables:
- initial projectile velocity in m/s: 30.54 m/s,
- litter start angle: 45.0°,
- resistance coefficient C: 0.306 264 527,
- air density: 1.25 kg / m3,
- the radius of the perpendicular surface to the direction of flight (size of “visible” surface from one direction): 0.036 382.812 m,
- projectile weight: 0.142 kg,
- optionally, the starting height from which the litter was made can also be selected: 1.70 m.
And here is the graph for this case:

The graph also shows the trajectory of a ball thrown in a vacuum, ie without air resistance.
If you are interested in this calculator, contact me with a request for your own project and we will invent something. I will be happy to answer.
Lukáš Kolík, author