07/2022 – present:
- stocks trading
4/2019 – present:
website lukaskolik.cz
- Creation and administration of the website www.lukaskolik.cz,
- this website was created by my own chemical forces and runs on WordPress,
5/2018 – 06/2022:
Metrologist at Czech Metrology Institute, full-time
- fundamental metrology of humidity, department of thermo-technical quantities
11/2017 – 12/2019:
Expert over calculations in food industry, MAXXWIN Nutrition (Revi plus s.r.o.), part-time
Main Activities – chemical calculations:
- Osmolality,
- osmolarity,
- representation of chemical elements,
- multi-compound mixtures,
- compound composition optimization – according to law requirements or customer input,
Other activities:
- chemical expertise (e.g. chemical nomenclature),
1/2017 – 4/2018 (1 y 4 m):
Research and development engineer, UCT Prague/Ranido, s.r.o., Technopark Kralupy,
University of Chemical Technology (UCT/VŠCHT) Prague (renamed from Institute of Chemical Technology from 1.1.2015), Engineer (Ing.),
field of study: Molecular Analytical and Physical Chemistry (MAFY)
Diploma Thesis: “Preparation and Characterization of Astrophysically Interesting NS and N2S” – Rotational Spectroscopy
University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, Bachelor (Bc.),
field of study: Chemistry,
bachelor’s thesis: “Structural analysis of gel polyelectrolytes using NMR high resolution“
High School Business and Higher School, České Budějovice, Food Analysis
Further learning, participating in training, certificates
A) Czech Metrology Institute (CMI) = National metrology institute
1) Certificate No. 0311-OZ-C297-18, proof of professional qualification for calibration of humidity meters, issued by CMI
2) Training of metrologists of companies on 22.-23th of May 2018,
Training Program:
- Principles of the National Metrology System,
- International Metrological Cooperation, Basic Information on CMI, Principles of Metrological Legislation, Laws of Metrology in the Czech Republic (Act, Decrees, Government Order),
- General Metrology – Basic Terms in Metrology (VIM, VIML),
- Systems of metrology,
- Uncertainty of measurement,
- Metrological system of the company in practice.
3) Active participation in the training seminar School of Temperature and Humidity 2019, 2.-4th of April 2019, Žďár nad Sázavou, Czech republic:
3 lectures presented – topics:
- Relative humidity measurement,
- Dew point water measurement,
- Hydrocarbon dew point measurement.
B) Achieved in my spare time
1) ENGR2000X: A Hands-on Introduction to Engineering Simulations (ANSYS)
Publisher (organization): Cornell University, USA
Released: 2/2019, has no expiration date
Credential number: 6d4c787acf634c079862b3df953b830
2) Confirmation by Mensa Czech republic, IQ testing: